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时间:2022-11-08 16:15:14 编辑:admin


Here we are我们在此Riding the sky翱翔於天际Painting the night with sun和太阳一起照亮著黑夜You and I, Mirrors of light你我如明镜之光Twin flames of fire似两团孪生的火焰Lit in another time and place在另一个时空被点燃I knew your name我知你名字I knew your face晓你容颜Your love and grace懂你的爱与慈Past and present now embrace 过去和现在在此刻交融Worlds collide in inner space在内心世界激烈碰撞Unstoppable, the song we play我们的歌势不可挡,永不停息(chorus)Burn the page for me请燃尽我的过去I cannot erase the time of sleep因为我无法遗忘那些沉睡的过往日子I cannot be loved so set me free既然我无法被爱,就请给我自由I cannot deliver your love我无法回馈你对我的爱Or caress your soul或安抚你的灵魂turn that page for me请为我翻开新的一页I cannot embrace the touch that you give因为现时我无法拥抱想要触碰我的你I cannot find solace in your words更无法感受到你言语的慰籍I cannot deliver you your love我无法回馈你对我的爱or caress your soul亦无法安抚你的灵魂Age to age一个时代接一个时代地过去I feel the call我感受到呼唤Memory of future dreams那些关於未来之梦的记忆You and I, riding the sky你我翱翔於天际Keeping the fire bright保持著火般的光亮From another time and place从另一时空而来I know your name我知你名字I know your face晓你容颜Your touch and grace懂得你的感性与爱慈All of time can not erase这些时光都无法抹去What our hearts remember stays Forever on a song we play我们的心永远停留在那首我们一起演奏的歌里(chorus)Burn the page for me请燃尽我的过去I cannot erase the time of sleep因为我无法遗忘那些沉睡的过往日子I cannot be loved so set me free既然我无法被爱,就请给我自由I cannot deliver your love我无法回馈你对我的爱Or caress your soul亦无法安抚你的灵魂So turn that page for me那麼请为我翻开新的一页I cannot embrace the touch that you give因为现时我无法拥抱想要触碰我的你I cannot find solace in your words更无法感受到你言语的慰籍I cannot deliver you your love我无法回馈你对我的爱or caress your soul亦无法安抚你的灵魂

标签: 新的一页 就请给我 永不停息

标签: 面包 主食


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